I preloaded my account with the tickets I needed, then at 15:59 I started this script:
while [ 1 ]; do
wget -q -T 10 -O out --load-cookies=cookie -U "`cat ua`" --post-file=postdata --no-check-certificate https://presale.events.ccc.de/order/confirm
if [ -s out ]; then
grep -q "Confirm Order" out || exit
rm -f out
sleep 1
echo Retrying...
The script succeeded at 16:15. 🙂
Nice, i was just trying the same using autohotkey script,but can’t get through.
Anychance you can get more and resell, that will make you a nice benefit ! contact me if u can/want, i’m in berlin with cash atm
I only got the tickets I needed, sorry. It seems the “lottery” makes sure only the technically skilled get tickets.